John Schmitz was won the special caucus to replace the late Jennifer Pace in the Republican race to be on the ballot in the 7th Congressional District,

Ninety-eight precinct committeemen showed up.  Schmitz got 66 votes.

Catherine Ping came in second.

Schmitz will go on to face incumbent Andre Carson in November,

Indiana GOP Chairwoman Ann Hathaway released the following statement…

“We are excited that John Schmitz stepped up to fill this role when we needed him. We have no doubt that he will take Congressman André Carson to task and force him to answer for his almost non-existent record, after 14 years in the same position.   André Carson has never represented the needs of his constituents, and only serves as a “yes” vote for anything the Democrat leadership tells him to support. John Schmitz will be a voice for the 7th district, not just another vote for the radical liberal agenda.”