Indiana Supreme Court Chief Justice Loretta Rush would like to seek another term.

Rush made her intent known in a letter today to court staff.

Rush will seek reappointment and has the support of her four colleagues. She was selected as Chief Justice in 2014 and reappointed in 2019. All current Supreme Court justices have been invited to share their thoughts with the commission during the meeting. The commission has asked the justices to speak about the qualities and attributes important in a Chief Justice.

The Judicial Nominating Commission meets on August 21.

A copy of the letter she sent is below.

Greetings Judges and OJA Staff,

This summer, I will complete my second term as the Chief Justice of Indiana. This marks my twelfth year on the Supreme Court and tenth serving as your Chief Justice. I’d like to continue in that role, and I am honored to have the support of my four hardworking partners and colleagues on the Court. The final decision on my reappointment will rest with the Judicial Nominating Commission. In August, they will convene for a public meeting. And I have informed them of my desire to continue serving as Chief Justice.

The past decade has been a period of remarkable evolution in Indiana’s Judicial Branch. Thanks to your passion and dedication, we’ve worked together to launch pretrial and problem-solving court initiatives, implement and finalize our statewide electronic filing and unified case management systems, sustain our court system through a global pandemic, overhaul our administrative agency structure, advance causes to improve access to justice for all, reshape the approach to addressing behavioral health and substance use disorders for court participants, and so much more.

I look forward to continuing these efforts with you—but there is still a lot of work to be done. Addressing the state’s attorney shortage will include considering recommendations from the Commission on Indiana’s Legal Future. We must remain vigilant in confronting the drug crisis across our state that continues to plague communities and courts. Our technology efforts will include developing systems to strengthen public safety and leveraging advancements like AI while guarding against cyberthreats and digital misinformation. And we must ensure our courts, judicial officers, and staff are protected from the threats of violence that have become increasingly common. Our work, in these areas and others, will be vital to ensuring Hoosiers in all 92 counties have meaningful access to the courts and receive quality legal services.

Above all, we must always endeavor to promote our most sacred resource: trust and confidence in our courts. Your work is critical not only to maintaining that trust and confidence but also to defending the rule of law and the way of life we enjoy as free people. I continue to be inspired by your efforts and humbled by your service. Whatever comes next, I look forward to continuing our work together.


Loretta H. Rush

Chief Justice of Indiana