Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jennifer McCormick is taking Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett to task over allegations of sexual harassment against his former Chief of Staff Thomas Cook.

Cook has been accused of grooming and sexually harassing young women who worked under him.  Complaints dated back to 2017.   Cook was reprimanded and disciplined three times.  And new reporting by Mirror Indy shows the Mayor knew of the allegations but kept Cook around despite being aware of repeated allegations.

McCormick released the following statement Friday morning…

“The allegations of Thomas Cook’s pattern of sexual harassment are deeply troubling, and I unequivocally condemn his actions,” said Jennifer McCormick, Democratic candidate for Governor. “Mayor Hogsett’s apparent failure to address these issues appropriately highlights a systemic problem that demands a systematic solution. The women involved were let down by both individuals and the system, and their pain must be acknowledged. Both parties have issues of sexual misconduct that demonstrate the importance of transparency and accountability in leadership. We owe it to those affected and to all Hoosiers to create a safer and more accountable environment.”