by Abdul-Hakim Shabazz

I plan to post my thoughts on the upcoming 2024 election between now and Election Day. Here’s today’s installment. 

I was looking at some early voting data last night.  In Indiana, nearly 466,000 early and mail-in ballots have been cast so far (NOT COUNTED!!!), but a breakdown shows 55% Rs, 43% Ds, and 8% other.

Now, this does NOT mean all Ds voted for Democrats or all Rs voted Republican, so let’s make that clear.

However,  looking at those numbers raises an interesting question: Where do those anti/non-Trump/Beckwith/Lugar/Daniels/Holcomb Republicans go?  Remember, 21% of Rs voted for Nikki Haley in the May primary and nearly 61% of Rs chose someone other than Braun for Governor.   Do they hold their nose and vote R, do they vote for Harris/McCormick, or do they skip those races altogether? Not to mention the Crouch/Chamber Republicans.

I say this because Mike Braun needs 44% to win the Governor’s race.   So if enough Rs (spare me the RINO nonsense) decide to do something other than vote for Braun-Beckwith, life could get very interesting a week from Tuesday.

Now while I still think the momentum favors Braun, the air is leaking out of those tires, so I’ll be watching to see if he has just enough to get across the finish line.

And by the way, I don’t see what good Rs attacking Donald Rainwater with negative mailers is doing, because at this point in the game, it could have the opposite effect.   This should have been done back in September.

It looks like we all did live to see interesting political times.