State Sen. Liz Brown (R-Fort Wayne) Tuesday detailed Senate Bill 473, which would introduce various changes to current Indiana health care laws with the goal of reducing unnecessary government regulations, modernizing health care professional practice standards, and streamlining Hoosiers access to health services.

This bill, termed Increasing Access to Care for Hoosiers Everywhere or I-ACHE 3.0 by Brown, builds upon her continued efforts to increase accessible care and streamline processes.

“Working with and hearing from health care workers is a critical piece in understanding how we can improve our state’s health system,” Brown said. “That is why I have continued my efforts through the I-ACHE legislation, to continue making sure our health care system is working well for health professionals and their patients.”

SB 473 aims to protect senior citizens who are eligible for home health aides and home modifications, as well as addresses opioid treatment program procedures, the oversight of nurse aides and home health aides within state government, and statutory guidance for the Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education.

Managed Care Organization Dispute Resolution
This section of I-ACHE 3.0 would require the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) to establish an appeals process for a provider that disputes a managed care organization’s (MCO) determination that a claim was not a clean claim. It would also clarify the process and timeline for MCOs to follow concerning home modification projects and service requests.

Opioid Treatment Programs and Prescribing
This section would modify certain procedures to be followed in opioid treatment programs:

  • Prevent FSSA’s Division of Mental Health and Addiction from requiring an opioid treatment program’s medical director to have admitting privileges at a hospital;
  • Reduce the frequency of drug tests for patients of an opioid treatment program that have failed a drug test from weekly to monthly; and
  • Allow opioid treatment programs to close on Sundays and federal holidays.

It would also allow a prescriber to prescribe, through telehealth services, any opioid that has been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of opioid dependence.

Nursing, Nurse Commission and Home Health
Under this bill, certified nursing assistants and qualified medication aides would be governed under the Indiana Nursing Commission, including duties for the commission. It would also require a nursing program to offer a clinical experience for clinical hours in a hospital and a health facility setting.

Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education
The final section of I-ACHE 3.0 would modernize the services offered by the Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education.