This originally appeared in this past weekend’s edition of the  Cheat Sheet

Indiana is mourning the loss of Pacers Exec Jim Morris.   He did a ton of great things for Indianapolis and the state of Indiana; and for that matter the nation and world.

One of the things that Jim did, which we really appreciated, was his annual duck luncheon that he would do the day before Thanksgiving.

It was a room full of politicians, business executives, and Indiana movers and shakers.  And every political stripe was in the room: Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, you name it. On that day, we all put our differences aside and just enjoyed the fellowship before the holiday season started.

We bring that up because of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.  

In the current political climate differences in politics have become personal and the rhetoric on both sides of the issue gets extremely hostile.

Jim understood that people can have differences without being disagreeable and part of fostering that idea was to do the duck luncheon where everyone leaves their politics  at the door and just enjoy each other’s company.

Maybe if we had a little more of that, instead of vitriol, the country would be a little better place for all of us.