A second Democratic candidate has filed for lieutenant governor.

Community activist Clif Marsiglio, announced Monday his candidacy for Lieutenant Governor of Indiana.

Marsiglio says he stands for reproductive and religious freedom, education and rebuilding the state’s economy.

“I had hoped to sit this one out, but Indiana stands at a crossroads,” said Marsiglio. “We can travel down the authoritarian vision of a convicted criminal and those who worship him, or we can build a state where every community thrives, every person is valued, and education is governed rationally. Indiana has always loved those who fight, and until the Democratic Party fights as hard as those on the other side, we will lose. I will fight like hell to serve you.” 

Perennial candidate Bob Kern has also filed to run for Lt. Governor.

Democrats will hold their convention on July 13th. They will also choose an Attorney General candidate. That contest is between former Marion County Clerk Beth White and former Secretary of State candidate Destiny Wells.