Democrat State Senator JD Ford has decided not to put his name in nomination for Lt. Governor.  Jennifer McCormick chose former State Represenative Terry Goodin to be her pick.   Gooding faces Cliff Marsiglio and Bob Kern; Democrats will make their pick on July 13th.   Ford posted his decision on his Facebook page.   You can read it below.


These past few days have been both humbling and inspiring as I have had the opportunity to deeply reflect on my role and the future direction of our great state of Indiana.
As many of you know, I considered running for the position of Lt. Governor. This decision was not taken lightly. I listened intently to countless voices – from dedicated colleagues to passionate delegates and to incredible constituents. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who reached out to me, offering your perspectives and support. Your insights were invaluable, and I wish I could have spoken to even more of you personally. Please know that your voices were heard and taken to heart.
As the Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus, I understand the immense importance of the LG’s role. The LG serves as the President of the Senate and holds the critical responsibility of casting the tie-breaking vote on key legislation, which I have personally witnessed. This position has the power to shape our state’s future profoundly. From protecting women’s rights and ensuring access to reproductive healthcare, to enacting essential gun safety measures and upholding the rights of our LGBTQ+ community, the LG’s vote can be a decisive force for progress and justice.
In light of this, I initially saw myself in the role of LG, ready to advocate for these crucial issues. However, after much contemplation and discussion, I have decided to support Dr. Jennifer McCormick, and her chosen running mate for Lieutenant Governor, Dr. Terry Goodin. I truly believe his credentials align with the duties of the office.
The choice of Dr. Goodin as Dr. McCormick’s running mate has sparked significant concern within our party – myself included. His past votes have not always aligned with the core values we stand for. He has cast votes that were anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ, and against gun safety. These positions are troubling, and I shared the apprehensions many of you have expressed.
However, I have spoken directly with Dr. Goodin, and he assured me of his commitment to change. He has expressed a willingness to evolve and has vowed to support and defend the rights and values that we, as Democrats, hold dear. I found our conversation sincere. Dr. Goodin acknowledged his past and expressed a clear intent to couple his apologies with actions that reflect a genuine shift in his stance. As someone who has seen the critical role the LG plays, I will hold him accountable to his promises. I will ensure that he stands by his commitment to protect reproductive rights, support marriage equality, and advocate for gun safety measures.
I believe in the power of redemption and the possibility of change. Dr. Goodin has assured me, and I will take him at his word, but I also promise to vigilantly ensure that his actions align with his words.
I also want to highlight that Dr. McCormick’s vision for our party includes bringing rural Democrats back into the fold. This is crucial for the future of our party and our state. However, we must also focus on our growing urban and suburban communities, which are equally vital. Dr. McCormick, a former Republican who has been disenchanted by the Republican party, understands how to speak to those who feel abandoned. Her leadership is a bridge to unite our diverse communities and drive our state forward.
To my constituents, thank you for the incredible honor of allowing me to represent you in our State Senate and thank you for seeing me as a whole person. There is still much work to be done to improve the quality of life and opportunities for all residents of our district. Your support fuels my dedication to serve and fight for our shared values.
Lastly, as we look towards the future, let us not lose sight of the real challenge ahead. We must focus on what a Braun/Beckwith administration would mean for Indiana. Their vision stands in stark contrast to ours and could jeopardize the progress we strive to achieve. Therefore, it is imperative that we rally behind the McCormick-Goodin ticket. Together, we can work towards a brighter, more inclusive future for Indiana. I am committed to this fight, and I urge each of you to join me in supporting this ticket to victory.
Thank you, and let’s move forward together with determination and hope!