South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is stepping into the 2020 Presidential race. According to the Chicago Tribune, Buttigieg made his plans official in a video and …
Indianapolis Public Schools, Ft. Wayne Community Schools, and Hamilton Southeastern Schools could see millions of dollars freed up for teacher pay increases under a plan …
The President of a rural Indiana charter school says the issues they face are even more mounting than their urban and suburban counterparts. Nansi Custer …
When it comes to fundraising on the Indianapolis City-County Council, the leaders of the pack were also the leaders on the Council. According to reports …
At the end of the third week of the Indiana General Assembly, House Speaker Brian Bosma says they may have to make some adjustments to …
Reaction to Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb’s State of the State address, while mixed, was positive overall. Here is some reaction…. Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch “Our …