Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has removed Governor Eric Holcomb, so to speak.

In a Facebook post on Friday evening showing support for convicted felon and former President Donald Trump, Rokita posted a photo of him shaking hands with Trump and First Lady Janel Holcomb in the background.

Rokita posted “With President Trump about to speak with the media, I am sharing again what I said last night and what I told the media: I am pleased President Trump will once again be our President, secured by this legally flawed case prosecuted with shamelessly obvious political motivation. But it’s more scary evidence of the weaponization of the government. Let’s all #MakeItTooBigToRig to 2024!”

However, it was later revealed that the image had been digitally altered, with Governor Holcomb removed from the picture.  


Trump was convicted of 34 felonies for filing false business records in an effort to cover up a sexual encounter with porn star Stormy Daniels.

Rokita has criticicized Holcomb on a number of occasions for not being a “true conservative”.