Messer Makes Senate Run
Surrounded by nearly 700 friends and supporters, Congressman Luke Messer made his formal announcement that he was running for the U.S. Senate. Messer sounded familiar themes …
Surrounded by nearly 700 friends and supporters, Congressman Luke Messer made his formal announcement that he was running for the U.S. Senate. Messer sounded familiar themes …
by Abdul-Hakim Shabazz, Esq. The other day I had the honor of helping emcee the 10-Point Coalition’s annual luncheon. It’s an event raise money for …
Although they were Indianapolis to talk about other subjects, both U.S. Senators Joe Donnelly and Todd Young offered their perspectives on North Korea and growing …
At a public forum, Democratic State Representative Ed DeLaney accused Indianapolis Public Schools of not doing enough to halt its declining population to avoid closing …
Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill today announced a plan to replicate statewide a crime-reduction model developed by the Indianapolis Ten Point Coalition (10-Point). Led by …
U.S Representative Todd Rokita, former Indiana Secretary of State, officially entered the campaign for United States Senate. Rokita, tying his campaign to President Donald Trump, …
Today we premiere our new online television program, Indy Politics; One on One. It’s a quick 15-minute interview with area news makers. Our first …
State Representative Mike Braun (R-Jasper) says he is willing to spend enough of his own money to be competitive in a Republican primary for the …
As many small, rural Indiana cities and towns are struggling to stay alive, one community that is not only surviving but thriving, is Jasper. Indy …
With Congressmen Luke Messer and Todd Rokita focusing, for now, on the Joe Donnelly’s U.S. Senate seat, we thought it couldn’t hurt to provide you …