Chuck Goodrich, President and CEO of Gaylor Electric, formally announced his candidacy for United States Congress in Indiana’s 5th District.

Chuck is currently a state representative serving Indiana House District 29.

Goodrich says he plans to take his leadership skills to Washington.

Goodrich stated, “Work ethic defines how I was brought up, how I have taught my children to live, and what I bring to my business and public service every day.  I will take that same work ethic to DC.” Representative Goodrich also shared a meaningful historical quote that he believes is important given our current state of politics, ‘All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”

Goodrich also said, “There is a need for people in DC who understand what it takes to run and build a business, who have met the pressures of meeting weekly payrolls, dealt with rising healthcare costs, lived with workforce development challenges, like immigration and inflation, and have first-hand experience on the cumbersome impact of regulations and taxes.  I understand these challenges, and I want to bring my perspective, a conservative perspective, to the conversation.”