by Abdul-Hakim Shabazz

Normally this time of year is spent by folks like me highlighting the top 10 stories of the previous 365 days.  This year, I plan to do something a little different.  Instead of reflecting on 2023, I’ve decided to offer up my top 10 (or more) pieces of advice and political predictions for 2024  that will hopefully make you/us better consumers of political news and information.

  • Don’t get all your information from one place.   Let me say that again: don’t get all your information from one place.  If you’re a big Fox News consumer, a little MSNBC wouldn’t kill you and vice-versa.  As my late lovely mother used to tell me, no one has a monopoly on good ideas and stupidity.
  • Social media doesn’t vote.   As much as elected officials like to get worked up on the latest Facebook/X (Twitter)/Instagram or whatever the social media platform is, remember how many votes social media has, none!
  • Polls are not predictions; they are snapshots in time,  However, if you put enough of them together, you can see trends start to form.   
  • Indiana is going to have one heck of a primary with the recent Rust decision, the Indiana Supreme Court not issuing a stay in the case and hearing the case just a couple of days before the deadline to withdraw.
  • Don’t be shocked if Attorney General Todd Rokita’s law license is suspended without automatic reinstatement so he has step down because you must have a valid law license to be Attorney General and Governor Eric Holcomb has to name his replacement.
  • As much as Indiana lawmakers want a drama-free legislative session, every day, the odds get a little smaller of that happening.  Pay attention to Valentine’s Day, as tradition dictates; that’s usually the time that “thing” happens that no one saw coming.
  • Don’t be surprised if there’s a federal indictment this year involving statehouse shenanigans.,
  • Expect some major battles to take place at the Republican state convention this summer between the more establishment types versus the more ideological types.   Things are already being lined up as both sides try to get people to run for convention delegate.
  • Look for a very, very, very ugly Republican U.S. Senate primary.
  • Some candidate for public office is going to say something stupid in 2024.  Wait a second, that was a 2023 prediction.  Or was that 2022?
  • Keep reading my stuff.  It will be the most fun you have ever had with your clothes on.

Happy New Year, and here’s to a great 2024.

Abdul-Hakim Shabazz is the editor and publisher of Indy Politics.