The following is reaction from various Hoosier groups and individuals on the Senate’s failure to move forward with SB 344, which added sexual orientation to …
Saying there was not enough support in the Republican caucus to move forward, a bill that would have added sexual orientation to the state’s civil …
Indy Politics talks to Professor Robert Katz of the IU McKinney School of Law about the difficult task Indiana lawmakers are having when it comes …
by Abdul-Hakim Shabazz, Esq. I was recently asked why it appears to be so difficult for Indiana lawmakers to pass a bill that protects the …
The spokesman for Visit Indy, the agency that helps drive tourism in Indianapolis, says while the city did have a record year of convention business …
Be sure to catch on the air this weekend as we recap the big political news stories facing Hoosiers. Here’s where you can usually find …