Mishler Talks Budget
Indy Politics talks to Sen. Ryan Mishler, the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, about the state budget, school funding, teacher pay, gaming and a …
Indy Politics talks to Sen. Ryan Mishler, the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, about the state budget, school funding, teacher pay, gaming and a …
Indy Politics talks with Ball State Economist Michael Hicks to get some perspective on the issue of teacher pay and the tax incentives used by …
Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb implied he planned to get much more aggressive in pushing a bias crime law in the second half of the 2019 …
As Indiana House Republicans prepare to take a vote on final passage of their proposed budget, Indy Politics talks to House Ways & Means Committee …
On this edition of Indiana Issues, we talk hate crimes, teacher pay, school safety, cigarette taxes and we make our political predictions. Our panel includes …
House Speaker Brian Bosma and Senate President Pro Tempore Rod Bray offer their thoughts on hate crime legislation, gaming, the budget and teacher pay as …
Indiana House Republicans are officially unveiling their budget, which includes more money for schools, but no mandate that it is spent on teacher pay. The …
Indiana lawmakers have a busy week ahead as they try to meet committee deadlines for numerous bills including the budget, bias crimes, gaming, alcohol, the …
As lawmakers wrap up week six of the legislature they are soon approaching some heavy deadlines when it comes to the budget, teacher pay, bias …
Indianapolis Public Schools, Ft. Wayne Community Schools, and Hamilton Southeastern Schools could see millions of dollars freed up for teacher pay increases under a plan …