A survey conducted by Indy Politics and ARW Strategies of likely voters in Marion County between September 25th and 26th shows Ryan Mears with a commanding lead over Cyndi Carrasco in the Marion County Prosecutor’s race.

Democrat Ryan Mears leads Republican Cyndi Carrasco 51% to 30%, with 19% of Marion County voters undecided.

Mears is getting 82% of self-identifying Democrats, leaving room for his ballot to grow if his entire base comes home. Carrasco also can improve her overall numbers by completely consolidated her own base, where she’s getting 83% of self-identifying Republicans, but it wouldn’t be enough. Mears also leads Independents 37% to 28% and would need to collapse here to give Carrasco a chance completely.

“Barring some unforeseen development, Ryan Mears looks headed towards a comfortable victory. Democrats have a built-in advantage simply on the make-up of the county and Ryan Mears has a solid grasp on his own base and leads Carrasco with Independents. As a Republican, you just can’t win when facing those realities,” said Andrew Weissert of ARW Strategies.

The poll of 300 likely voters has a margin of error of +/-5.6 percent.

Tomorrow we will look at Joe Biden’s and Eric Holcomb’s approval ratings as well the impact of abortion in the upcoming election.