Indiana’s “alcohol wars” might be coming to an end, or at least one battle. The lobby groups that represent the state’s package liquor stores and …
Here’s reaction to Governor Eric Holcomb’s 2018 legislative agenda. Senate President Pro Tem David Long “I applaud the governor for bringing an aggressive and well-thought-out …
What impact could Tuesday’s elections in Virginia and New jersey have on Indiana in 2018? That’s just one of the topics we discuss on this …
Vice-President Mike Pence is headed to Indiana tomorrow to promote tax reform. Pence, joined by Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta, will visit Plainfield, Indiana. The …
Streamlining workforce development and continuing the battle against opioids are two of Governor Eric Holcomb’s top priorities for 2018. The Governor unveiled his agenda today, …
It looks like Indiana Republicans won’t be the only ones having a primary fight for the U.S. Senate. Iraq War Veteran and Highland native Martin …