by George Kelley Another elementary school has suffered a tragedy that should not happen with the frequency that it does in this country. A teenager …
By Betsy Wiley, President & CEO, Institute for Quality Education Indiana is a national leader in empowering parents to choose the right educational environment for …
by Jim Merritt Indiana’s Lifeline Law is 10 years old. In the shadow of the recent University of Missouri fraternity hazing horror where a young …
By: State Rep. Cherrish Pryor With record high gas prices and environmental concerns, many are reconsidering the types of vehicles they drive. Thanks to the …
Governor Eric Holcomb Wednesday signed a proclamation calling a special session for the General Assembly to convene on July 6, 2022, to take action on …
By: Tina Rhoden-Lewellyn, Executive Director, Ben’s Ranch Foundation You turn on TV news each day and see the evidence of our nation’s declining mental health …